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It’s a no-brainer: if you want to have more conversions, you have to manage your checkout. If customers are abandoning left and right, whether from cart or payments problems, it is crucial that you take Checkout Conversion Management seriously. You shouldn’t lose a customer who has decided to buy because you have not optimized your checkout process. Let’s break down the steps of Checkout Conversion Management and how it can help you convert more shoppers to buyers.


So what is Checkout Conversion Management?

Checkout Conversion Management is a dedicated process that reviews the results of your checkout process, identifies potential problem areas and root causes, implements fixes and then reviews if the changes are improving results. It is defined into 5 steps: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control. Though they seem like they are in succession, the process must be continual to get the full effects.


To keep it simple, we’ve created a checklist to help you keep all aspects of Checkout Conversion Management on track:


checkout conversion management -checklist (4) copy
Infographic by Stephanie Farber (BlueSnap)


Though there are a lot of moving parts to this process, you always have to make sure that you are keeping track of your changes accordingly. This infographic shows many tips and tricks to improving Checkout Conversion Management – but that doesn’t mean you can one-and-done your checkout process. Making a process of improvement both effective and a continuous improvement model requires a period of establishing the new normal. Understanding the impacts of your new set of improvements on conversion rates will take time.


If you want more help with Checkout Conversion Management or any step in the checkout flow, don’t be afraid to drop us a line. Our Conversion Consultants are ready and willing to help you take on the challenge of converting more shoppers to buyers and increasing your sales:

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